This Product is engineered for many Applications, including:
- Engineered hardwood flooring
- Solid hardwood flooring
- Bamboo flooring
- Acrylic impregnated hardwood flooring
Read and understand data sheet completely before beginning installation. Follow industry standards, as well as flooring manufacturer’s recommendations for acclimation, design, layout and application of flooring material. If job site conditions are outside of flooring manufacturer’s recommendations, take necessary corrective actions.
Surfaces must be clean, dry and at, free of voids, projections, loose materials, oil, grease, sealers and all other surface contaminants. Completely remove any adhesive residue or surface contamination by diamond grinding, shot blasting or scarifying. To ensure proper adhesion to concrete, surface texture must be similar to light broom finished; concrete should NOT be smooth or reflective. Areas requiring patching or leveling must be done using a Portland cement-based material. Maximum acceptable floor variation is 3/16” in 10 feet.
Under normal conditions, light foot traffic is acceptable after 6 to 8 hours; normal traffic after 12-16 hours.
Storage / Shelf Life
Storage / Shelf Life
Material is to be stored under controlled dry environment (below 75° F). Use within 6 months from date of manufacture, if stored in unopened container. Do not freeze.
As you work, immediately clean any adhesive from pre-finished flooring with mineral spirits (be careful not to harm finish).
Do not use on wet, dusty, contaminated, glassy smooth or friable substrates; do not use over substrates/slabs treated with sealers or curing compounds; do not use in areas subject to hydrostatic head.
Trowel Selector Guide
Trowel Selector Guide
Trowel size is suggested to maximize coverage of adhesive. Periodically check coverage of adhesive during installation: >80% coverage is required for all engineered wood flooring; >95% coverage is required for all solid wood flooring products. Please note: It is the installer’s responsibility to apply the proper amount of adhesive for the job condition.